The Walls are Sealed and Backfilled

The Front Wall

The Front Wall

The Back Wall

The Back Wall

Keeping Water Out

Crushed stone around the foundation to keep the water out.

More Liner

The liner going over the foundation stone.

Don't Need to Worry

Well, we shouldn't need to worry about water in the basement ;-)

Tree Removal

Art has also removed the pine trees that were blocking the garage area.


The back filled in. Much to our amazement, all of the soil and rock that was removed for installing the footers and basement walls went back around the house as backfill. We'll actually have to bring in some topsoil when the final grading is done in late Fall.

More Backfilling

Another angle. This side will need quite a bit of "gentle slope" regrading in the Fall. But we didn't want to do that now, since we would have had to remove and reseat the silt fence.

Garage View

The garage and front regraded.

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